Empowering Indigenous Women for Environmental Protection: The Power of Mama

This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements and contributions of women worldwide. Let's take a moment to spotlight an extraordinary initiative that embodies the spirit of female empowerment and environmental stewardship: The Power of Mama (PoM).

The PoM is not just a community; it's a movement led by 92 remarkable women dedicated to actively engaging in environmental management and protection. Founded in 2022, this women's community has been instrumental in fostering mindfulness regarding environmental issues, particularly in regions where environmental challenges disproportionately affect women.

At the heart of the PoM's mission is recognising the pivotal role women play in environmental management and protection. From patrolling fire-prone areas to conducting door-to-door visits and informal meetings, these women are on the frontlines, raising awareness and advocating for sustainable practices in resource usage.

In the past quarter alone, the PoM teams conducted an impressive 492 patrols, reaching out to 651 farmers, residents, and fishers. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed, as they've significantly contributed to the reduction of forest fires, helping to extinguish eight large fires over seven separate days. This achievement is a testament to the effectiveness of their strategy and the dedication of these women to safeguarding their communities and natural environment.

However, the impact of the PoM extends beyond firefighting efforts. These women are actively involved in various environmental activities, including educational events with children, engagement with authorities, mangrove restoration, and sustainable farming initiatives. Through their collaborative approach, they're not only addressing immediate environmental threats but also laying the groundwork for long-term sustainability and resilience.

One of the most exciting moments for the PoM came when they were honoured with the prestigious "Clean Air Championship Award 2023." This recognition, presented by esteemed institutions like the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) and Farmers Initiatives for Ecological Livelihood and Democracy (FIELD) Indonesia, underscores the PoM's exceptional contributions to Indonesia's clean air program.

As we celebrate International Women's Day, let's applaud the incredible efforts of the Power of Mama community. Their unwavering dedication, resilience, and passion serve as an inspiration to us all. Together, let's continue to support and empower women as they lead the charge towards a more sustainable and equitable future for our planet.

Donate to fund projects like the Power of Mama today

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